About us

The Staropolska Chamber of Industry and Commerce is the greatest institution of its kind in the business environment of The Swiętokrzyskie Province. It has been functioning on the market since 1990.  The Staropolska Chamber of Industry and Commerce has been founded as a result of natural aspiration of the entrepreneurs for joining each other in order to create the representation of their interests, among others through: 

  • influence on the national and regional authorities aimed to create favourable conditions for the development of companies,
  • establishment of economic contacts,
  • providing the collection, process and availability of the information useful for the economic activity,
  • organization of the trainings and professional practice,
  • arrangement of business people’s meetings.

The Staropolska Chamber of Industry and Commerce combines 3 main features:

  • democratic rules of the structures’ organization,
  • apolitical action,
  • independence from the authorities,

The Staropolska Chamber of Industry and Commerce provides the services, among others, in the following fields:

  • credit information agency,
  • joining the partners,
  • trade documents’ realization,
  • advisement and trainings,
  • economic information
  • trade activity,
  • lobbing activity.

In order to facilitate the preparation for functioning on The Uniform European Market, the Chamber provides and includes: Enterprise Europe Network

  • enables searching for the economic partners through the chain of about 300 centres acting in European countries and provides information on the legal regulations of European Union in the economic activity,
  • organizes trips to trade fairs and economic meetings under the European Union patronage,
  • informs about the norms and standards which are currently in force in UE,
  • organizes and provides the trainings on the rules functioning on the UE market,

The Directors Council
Forum devoted to the development of the Chamber members’ standpoint on the significant economic problems of the region and offering the Chamber members’ contacts and integration. Since 1996 The Staropolska Chamber of Industry and Commerce has been a member of The National Services System for Small and Medium Enterprises which is a chain of 130 regional business supporting centres, which are aimed to raise the competitiveness of Polish SMEs through providing them with high quality advisory, training, information and financial services.


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The Authorities

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Mission, vision

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