European Advisement

The group responsible for Advisement and European Funds offers advisory and information services for Small and Medium Enterprises connected to the possibilities of gaining the exterior resources of the business activity’s financing. We offer in particular:

  • Advisement in gaining the subsidy from the national and union resources: the choice of the auxiliary programme adequate to the company’s requirements as well as comprehensive preparation of the applications for the subsidy along with the enclosures
  • Advisement in the proper implement and accounting of the projects financed from both the national and union resources
  • Information on the offer of the exterior financing available on the market: banks, leasing companies, and other financial institutions (loan funds, guarantee funds, etc)
  • Preparation of business plans and financial analyses to the companies’ order
  • Organization of the conferences, seminars, open and closed trainings and workshops devoted to the European funds as well as gaining the exterior financing of the economic activity

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Consultation Agency

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