
It is concerned with the trade document’s legalization:

  • CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN – (on the corporate stationery with two signatures of the people authorised to represent the company), it is a document affirming that the export product fulfils the requirements of the origin’s clause. This document may be issued and valid for all the countries.
  • CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN GSP FORM A – according to the preferences of ensued from the tariff of duties FORM A is issued. The certificate’s pattern and the rules of its use, as well as the rules of applying the preferences within the confines of GSP are presented in the standardization agreement on the rules of the origin of the products from the developing countries. The countries which have given us this preferences are: USA, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, Australia
  • TRADE INVOICE – the legalized invoice contains both the trade invoice’s components and the declaration which contents is based on the importer country’s regulations or the accreditation. the declaration concerns the product’s origin, the signatures’ credibility, proxies and the people signing the invoice
  • TRADE DOCUMENTS – among others, they certify the authenticity of the signatures, proxies, statements, translations’ legalization and other documents concerning export and the company’s activity

Basic documents The entrepreneur fills in the application form following the pattern established by the National Chamber of Economy (the application to be taken below) or designs the application on is own considering all the information and commitments which are provided for in the NCE application form. The entrepreneur who applies for the documents’ legalization to the Regional chamber of Economy in Katowice for the first time, encloses the following documents with the current data:

  • the document which proves running the economic activity by the applicant (Xerox copy R5 or Xerox copy of the certificate on the registration in the economic activity record)
  • the certificate on granting the statistical identification number REGON
  • the decision about or proving the fact of granting the tax identification number NIP
  • the authenticated signatures’ patterns of the people authorised to represent the applying entity, (i.e. Xerox copy of the signatures’ patterns bank card)

In case of changes in the company causing the changes in the documents mentioned in points 1, 2, 3, 4 ought to be enclosed in the original or in the Xerox Copy with the official or notarial authentication.  

Documents for Legalization 

The documents for legalization should be submitted by the entrepreneur in the number of copies defined by himself and one supplementary copy for The Staropolska Chamber of Industry and Commerce. The documents submitted for legalization (both the originals and the copies) should contain original signatures of the people authorised to represent the company. There is one copy left of each of the legalised documents in The Staropolska Chamber of Industry and Commerce. 

Information provided by 
Jarosław Bator phone.: 041 344 43 92 ext. 24
Łukasz Porębski phone.: 041 344 43 92 ext. 51
Piotr Brych phone.: 041 344 43 92 ext. 47
fax.: 41 344 43 92

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